Quick Look
Trip Overview
ネパールトレッキングの拠点となるアンナプルナトレッキングの歴史についてご存知ですか? ここは世界中の冒険愛好家にとって伝説的な目的地となっています。 この地域は、この地域にアクセスするための荒々しく未開のルートを発見したヒマラヤ愛好家によって最初に探検されました。その今日は、何百万、何十億もの人々がこの冒険に乗り出すことを夢見ています。
「パノラマ ヒマラヤ トレッキング」としても知られるアンナプルナ地方は、畏敬の念を抱かせる巨大なヒマラヤ山脈を通過するルートです。 このトレッキングコースを乗り出す人は忘れられない体験と思い出の経験を実感することでしょう。 雪を頂いた驚くべき山々への道のりでは、多様な民族による魅惑的美しい村々と遭遇し、宿泊の際様々に付き合え隅々へと知っていくこと。 村のほとんどが山々を背景にで丘陵地帯に位置しています。 トレッカーなら誰でも立ち止まって一目見たくなるような光景です。
- ベストシーズンは 3 月から 5 月で、9 月から 11/12 月がループします。
- トレッキンググレード: 簡単から中程度。
- 宿泊施設: ティーハウス/ロッジ。
- ネパールは数え切れないほどのユニークな歴史を持ち、その入門として世界遺産の観光。
- 楽しい観光を通じて、代表的な芸術、文化、歴史を体験し、多様性民族との付き合い。
- 緑豊かな丘に囲まれたカトマンズ市、まるで子供のおもちゃ箱をひっくり返したような街。
- カトマンズからナイトライフが活気づくポカラ市へのドライブは、美しい景色を楽しめる。
- 走行中には、バスが川岸に沿って通過する多様な村や町を見ることができ、岩だらけの緑豊かな丘や峡谷が独特の風景を提供します。
- パラグライダー、バンジージャンプ、超軽量飛行、ペワ湖でのボート遊びなど、アドベンチャーを楽しむことができます。
- アンナプルナ ヒマラヤ パノラマ トレッキング ツアーでは、高山シャクナゲの森や滝、その他の動植物の美しさに触れることができます。
- 地元のMOMOやダルバートなど、純粋な土地の料理を試すことができます。
- なによりは、アンナプルナ山脈(I、II、III)、ダウラギリ、マチャプチャレ、ヒウンチュリ、シグチュリ、タルプチュリ、マルディヒマルなど、ヒマラヤ山脈の息をのむような景色を楽しむことができます。
- 峠や丘は比較的高く、朝日の最初の光線と夕日の最後の光線がヒマラヤ山脈に触れる瞬間は、この世で比較できないもの。
Aaozora Travel & Tour の専門担当者がカトマンズ国際空港に到着されるお客様をお迎えし、ホテルまでご案内。ホテルのチェックイン手続きがすべて完了するまで付添ってくれます。
2日目: カトマンズ渓谷観光ツアー – カトマンズのホテルに宿泊
わあ!「アンナプルナ パノラマ トレッキング」への道のりは、バスでの景色の良いドライブから始まります。トリシュリ川に沿った道路は、信じられないほどの巨大な岩の丘や渓谷を上り下りするため、エキゾチックなツアーになります。道端では、小さな小屋や建物が日々の商売に忙しい一方で、川沿いに流れる垂木は至福を誇示しています。
手配された専用車を利用しトレッキング開始ポイントナヤプルを辿り、トレッキングはティケドゥンガへ。アンナプルナ パノラマ トレッキング ルートでは、トレッキング グコースの左右に沿えてる豊かな村々がトレッカーたちを魅了します。モディ川とブルンジ川の合流点近くの小さな町ビレタンティは、いくつかの茶屋やロッジがあり、標高1495メートルの丘へと続く階段の出発点となります。短い登りを経て、トレッキンググループは一日のトレッキング目的地であるティケドゥンガに到着する。宿泊は山間にあるロッジ「ティーハウスとも言います」で朝・昼・夕食含まれる。
朝には家庭的な温かい朝食を楽しめ、アンナプルナヒマラヤ観光グループはウッレリ(大きなマガールの集落)へ。ウッレリは1時間の厳しいを越したところ、標高2070メートルに位置し、休憩に絶好のところ。背後に広がる集落と首位の絶景は、努力の甲斐になることでしょう。地平線までの眺めは本当に満足感を与えてくれます。やがてトレッカーたちは、シャクナゲの森を抜け、バンタンティ(標高2250メートル)、ナンゲタンティ(標高2460メートル)という順路を経て、着実にゴレパニへ進む。3月末から4月初旬にかけては、シャクナゲの花が雪と融合し、この地域を鮮やかな色彩で覆います。アンナプルナ パノラマ トレッキングのルートでは、想像を超えたロマンスを体験することになるでしょう。ゴレパニはシャクナゲの花が咲き誇る地点であり、アンナプルナI(8091メートル)、ダウラギリI(8167メートル)、ヒウンチュリ(6441メートル)、ニルギリ(6940メートル)など、壮大な山々の素晴らしい光景に出迎えられます。
カトマンズに戻るにはバスで約 7 時間、同じ距離を専用車なら5 時間ほど。 しかし、ポカラからカトマンズまでのフライトは約 30 分、お決まりの手段を利用してカトマンズへバック。皆様にあった移動手段をあらかじめにお問い合わせください。
Cost Include
- 旅程に従って、専用車で空港とホテルへ送迎
- トレッキング中の朝食、昼食、夕食(紅茶/コーヒー付き)。
- カトマンズとポカラにあるツイン/ダブルベッドの 3 つ星ホテル。
- トレッキング中のツイン/ダブルベッドの空き状況に応じたロッジ/ティーハウスの宿泊。
- トレッカー/トレッキンググループに対するポーター 1 名 (2 名用) と経験豊富なフレンドリーなガイド 1 名、実際の労働法に基づく報酬、装備、および保険。
- すべてのトレッキング許可、TIMS(保護費を含む)。
- ポカラへの往復バスまたは観光バスによる道路交通、およびゴレパニ プーンヒル トレッキングの開始地点であるナヤプルへの往復。
- トレッキンググループ向けの青空トラベル&ツアーズのダッフルバッグとジャケット。
- アクティブな日々を記念するトレッキングマップと達成証明書が入った青空トラベル&ツアーのロゴ入りTシャツ。
- 応急処置用医療キット
- 政府税とオフィスサービス料
Cost Exclude
- 旅行保険
- ネパール入国ビザ
- 国際線航空券
- あらゆる種類の冷たい飲み物、および水コーラ、ファンタ、ジュースなどのソフトドリンク。
- 上記の含まれる項目に指定されていないすべてのもの。
- すべて個人のトレッキング用具/装備。
- 同行したスタッフへの感謝とチップ。
Fixed Depature
Date | Price per person | Availability | Book |
Private Trip
A private trip is a customized package designed specifically to meet the preferences of an individual or a group. Nepal Aozora Trekking Pvt Ltd is an expert in creating such trips to help clients enjoy the scenic beauty of Nepal’s mountains and landscapes at their own pace, according to their wishes.
When planning a private trip, Aozora Travel Company ensures that the program is flexible enough to accommodate the needs of the group or individual. This type of individual travel is solely devoted to the interests of the group or individual. In most cases, group trips are led by a guide who may not be able to address the interests of every member in the group. However, in a private trip, interaction with everyone’s interests will be in priority.
As this kind of program is dedicated solely to a private team or individual, the cost may be relatively higher than that of a group trip where travelers join with other members, they meet on the portal platform.
Couples on their honeymoon, families, and groups of friends and family members usually prefer these types of tours.
Private Group
We can plan Everest Base Camp Trek privately on any date you prefer throughout the year. Just inform us of your preferred travel dates for the Everest Base Camp Trek, and we’ll tailor it to your schedule. Feel free to contact us using the form below.
Trekking Equipment Checklist
- Adjustment of health requirements
- Money: cash/credit card
- Sleeping bag provided by Nepal Trekking Aozora
- First aid kit; it should include lip balm, aspirin, band-aids, antihistamines, and Imodium or similar tablets for mild diarrhea.
- Wet wipes for cleaning can be purchased in Kathmandu.
- rehydration powder and any additional prescription medications you may be taking in certain cases.
- Fleece jacket or pullover.
- Fleece windproof jacket (optional).
- Daypack (25-30 liter) for carrying personal needs during the day.
- Torch/flashlight – headlamp style is ideal.
- Insect repellent, sunscreen, lip balm.
- Refillable water bottles – minimum 1 Liter Aluminum or Nalgene polypropylene are best.
- Warm hats, sun hats/bandanas, scarves, sunglasses, gloves – wool or fleece, and Gore-Tex.
- Bag liner to make the bag waterproof (a duffel bag will be provided to each trekker for trekking by Kathmandu Blue Sky Trekking).
- Windproof/waterproof jackets and pants.
- Comfortable, durable walking shoes (worn often before setting out).
- Socks: Wear a combination of thick wool blends and thin cotton – make sure your boots match such combinations.
- Evening running shoes or sandals.
- Wool jumper/sweater/fleece. Lightweight during the summer and one heavyweight or two lightweights during the winter.
- T-shirt 3 or 4.
- Shirt – long sleeves.
- Read/write material.
- Thermal upper and lower.
- Hot clothing for winter (December to March)
The policy for cancellation and refund is quite simple. If for any reason you wish/need to cancel your trip, all you need to do is send us your request for cancellation with details such as booking date, package, number of numbers etc. and then we will proceed with the cancellation.
As for the refunds, we are sorry to inform you but we will not be able to give you 100% refund, the 20% of the initial deposit which you have made when confirming your booking will not be refunded. This fund will be considered as cancellation fee.
Hence, we suggest that you postpone your trip to a later date which won’t cost you a penny instead of cancelling, doing so will not be a loss to you as well.
A series of symptoms (mountain sickness) that occur when the body is unable to adapt to low atmospheric pressure and low oxygen when going from low altitude to high altitude. Specifically, this happens when you go from 0 meters above sea level to 3,000 meters or more in a short period of time. It is not a disease, but a series of “hypoxia symptoms.”
Nepal offers various trekking destinations that cater to different preferences. The Everest and Annapurna regions are your best bet if you looking for a classic and well-known trek. These regions boast some of the most popular trekking trails in the world, such as the Everest Base Camp trek, Annapurna Base Camp trek, and Annapurna Circuit Trek, among others.
These treks provide breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountains, picturesque villages, and an opportunity to experience the local culture.
On the other hand, if you prefer to explore a more isolated route, there are several options to consider. The Kanchenjunga, Dolpo, Tsum Valley, Ganesh Himal, Nar Phu, Humla, and Upper Mustang regions offer less crowded treks and a more intimate experience with nature. These treks provide an opportunity to explore the unspoiled natural beauty of Nepal, including remote valleys, hidden lakes, and lush forests. You’ll also interact with local communities and learn about their unique customs and traditions
The best time to trek in Nepal is during the Autumn and Spring seasons, which last from September to November and March to May, respectively. These are ideal months for traveling in Nepal as the weather is clear with blooming wildflowers, blue skies, fresh vegetation, and what most in this time is perfect temperature. Due to the clear sky, the views of the Himalayan range around Nepal appear breathtakingly.
Despite the clear skies and mountains being visible in the winter from December to February, the temperature drops even to -18 degrees Celsius, making it intolerable in higher altitudes.
If you plan on going on a trip during the winter season, you could have done better to keep yourself updated on our trekking blogs. Except for the winter trekking season in Nepal, the monsoon season from June to August is also not recommended if the destination for trekking is other than Upper Dolpo, Mustang, or Tsum Valley.
Depending on your interest, you will receive all the details upon an inquiry into our experts.
n and Spring seasons, which last from September to November and March to May, respectively. These are ideal months for traveling in Nepal as the weather is clear with blooming wildflowers, blue skies, fresh vegetation, and what most in this time is perfect temperature. Because the skies are clear, the views of the Himalayan range around Nepal appear breathtakingly. breathtakingly. Despite the clear skies and mountains being visible in the winter from December to February, the temperature drops even to -18 degrees Celsius, making it intolerable in higher altitudes. If you plan on going on a trip during the winter season, you could have done better to keep yourself updated on our trekking blogs. Except for the winter trekking season in Nepal, the monsoon season from June to August is also not recommended if the destination for trekking is other than Upper Dolpo, Mustang, or Tsum Valley. Depending on your interest, you will receive all the details upon an inquiry into our experts.
When coming for touring in Nepal, you should have a tourist visa. You can obtain Nepal visa on arrival at the airport but please do check if you fall in the category of receiving an arrival visa from the Immigration Office at the Airport.
When coming for a trek in Nepal, you will need a tourist visa and travel insurance. You can obtain Nepal visa on arrival at the airport but please do check if you fall in the category of receiving an arrival visa from the Immigration Office at the Airport.
Travel insurance is compulsory for all our trekking packages. You need to get them before your arrival in Nepal and please ensure that it covers the maximum elevation of the trek you have chosen with a provision of helicopter in case of an emergency evacuation or medical requirement. If you have any query and need assistance, feel free to contact us
Trekking in Nepal can cost anywhere between US$100 to $200 per person per day, depending on particulars such as the trekking region, difficulty level, and number of days. This figure mainly includes trekking permits, accommodation, food, transport, guides, porters, and other miscellaneous costs. The cost of trekking permits will vary depending on the trekking region and route you choose. Accommodation in lodges or tea houses is inexpensive, but food and drinks can be costly as they must be transported to the Himalayas, where vegetables are challenging to arrange easily. Being accommodated with public buses or transportation may make the trip cheaper than having it set by a private vehicle or Jeep. If you hire a guide and/or porter, you must bear the expenses of their accommodation, food, daily wage, and insurance, topping some tips to them. But it is highly recommended you hire them for your secure and enjoyable travel. Additionally, it is advisable to keep some money aside for personal expenses, emergencies, and shopping.
Yes. Most of the trekking routes are bound under the compulsory holding of a trekking permit. What trekking permit sometimes is misread for is a National Park Entrances /Conservation Area Project Permit, etc., which is mandatory when the trail of the booked trekking passes through a national park or conservation area. Certain trekking areas in Nepal are highly regulated under special visitor permits. These areas include Upper Mustang, Upper Dolpo, Humla, Tsum Valley, Nar Phu Valley, and Kanchenjunga. This is due to the area’s unique cultural significance or natural beauty and strategic reasons for monitoring the region. Check out more on the specific permit and details in this How To Get TIMS Card And Trekking Permits In Nepal from our frequently.
If you are trekking with us, we do suggest you to carry cash, as we go uphill some places may not accept cards or have the mean to use it. This is for other expenses which is not included in your package, expenses such like snacks, water, Wi-Fi. We suggest you to keep 15,000-20,000 per person for the entire trek. Also make sure you are keeping Nepalese currency.
Anyone who is looking for a one-of-a-kind and thrilling trekking experience amidst stunning natural beauty and biodiversity, Nepal is the perfect destination to explore. The country is rich in diverse cultures, religions, and traditions, offering an incredible glimpse into the local way of life. Additionally, Nepal is home to eight of the top ten highest mountains in the world, making it a haven for all mountain enthusiasts. Specifically, trekking to the base camps (Everest Base Camp trek or Annapurna Base Camp) is an incomparable memory for any trekker, and the beauty of the stunning topography along the trekking routes is unmatched anywhere else in the world, assuring awe-inspiring views of the Himalayas. Nepal is ideal for nature enthusiasts who want to experience exotic outdoor activities while exploring lush green hills and valleys with rugged trekking trails.
Absolutely safe. As a female traveler planning a trekking adventure in Nepal, there are a few suggestions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. It’s essential to research your trekking route, consider hiring a reputable travel agency or guide, and take necessary precautions such as keeping your belongings secure and dressing modestly. You can fully and safely enjoy Nepal’s beauty and culture by taking these constructive steps. Remember us: your safety is paramount, and all our efforts to offer a successful and memorable trip are extensive regardless of gender or appearance.
A mountain lodge comes to be along the trekking trail wherein the amenities for viewing the comfort of the stayer are arranged. Residents run this type of stay in lodges, and in the lodges, the kitchen, dining room, shared toilets, and some small bedrooms with only essential numbers of furniture are designated. In some places, the dormitory is also available. Some even have hot water showers, Wi-Fi, and cell phone charging facilities. Of course, money is charged for the amenities used. While rooms are generally lower, the food and other amenities cost more, like the rise in altitude due to lack of transport facilities.
If you’re a nature enthusiast and planning to embark on a trek, you must know what kind of accommodation you can expect. Most trails have tea houses or lodges nearby, perfect for a quick break or an overnight stay. These tea houses or lodges offer basic amenities such as a bed, hot showers, and hearty meals to replenish your energy. However, if you plan to explore more remote areas, you may need to carry your camping gear, as tent camping may be the only option available. When it comes to selecting your accommodation, it ultimately depends on the trekking route you choose. If you’re looking for a more luxurious experience, you’ll find upscale lodges on popular routes offering a comfortable stay and world-class amenities. On some commonly known routes, you can opt for a homestay accommodation option run by nearby ethnic communities. This accommodation offers a unique cultural experience and a chance to interact with the locals. No matter what type of accommodation you choose, remember to pack wisely, stay hydrated, and enjoy the journey!
In the mountainous regions where trekking is popular, tea houses are often the only waystations for hikers. These tea houses offer communal or public toilets for trekkers along the trails, especially in areas of high altitude. However, it is essential to note that these toilets are of the squat pan variety, which may take some getting used to if you are unfamiliar with them. In the lower altitude regions, some tea houses may have attached toilets near your room, which can be considered a luxury. On the other hand, if you are on a camping trek in rural areas without any settlement nearby, you will have to make do with a makeshift toilet. This involves digging a hole in the ground and using it as a toilet. It may not be as comfortable as a proper toilet, but it is an essential skill to learn to enjoy camping in remote areas.
In Nepal, internet connectivity is available in most trekking regions, but it may become erratic at higher altitudes. Tea houses along popular routes offer Wi-Fi access, which may be unreliable and cost up to USD 2 per hour. The Everest region has continuous internet access. You can also purchase prepaid SIM cards from NCELL and NTC. However, obtaining cellular network connectivity can be challenging at higher altitudes. Plan and make arrangements to stay connected before embarking on your trek.
Lodge or Tea House Treks are the definitive accommodation options alongside Nepal’s trekking trails. Tea houses, once just a place to sip tea, have now been transformed into full accommodations. These tea houses are operated by locals across different trekking regions, including Langtang, Everest, Annapurna, Manaslu, and more. While some tea house owners reside in the tea houses, others generally run them seasonally, heading back to their homes in lower altitude regions during the off-season. In addition to providing lodging and food, tea houses are the ultimate way to meet other trekkers and socialize.
When trekking in Nepal, wear suitable clothing. For the upper body, long-sleeved shirts, t-shirts, lightweight thermals, wind-resistant fleece, down jackets, down vests, and waterproof shell jackets. For the lower body, non-cotton breathable briefs, light thermals, fleece or wool trousers, hiking shorts, and pants. Heading outdoors? Stay warm and protected with a headscarf, beanie or balaclava, UV protection sunglasses, and a sunhat. Keep your hands warm with gloves and mittens, and wear hiking boots with socks for your feet. Additionally, you should check out other packing lists, including clothing, gear, and equipment, that you should consider when trekking in Nepal. Check out our website: https://www.onlinetourinfo.com. The list of the items to carry on the trekking has been introduced through any trekking itinerary pages.
Taking a trekking guide in Nepal is now mandatory to look for the safety of trekkers worldwide. Many cases of the loss of trekkers in the Himalayan region have led the government to step in imposing the rule. Many solo trekkers unfamiliar with the different routes in trekking areas might unintentionally be attracted to extraordinary landscapes or scenery, which can lead them astray and cause difficulties in finding the right path back. This is often the cause of getting lost. However, in some cases, getting lost can have more severe consequences and result in adverse victimization. A few cases that the experts analyzed have revealed that illicit (taking no permits and legal documents) action taken in Himalayan activities must have led them to lead to unexpected victimization. Some are estimated to have been victimized by human crime. Going trekking long or short in the Nepal Himalayas is safe with a guide. Navigating the route and giving insight into the culture is not only what guides help you; any of the unforeseen difficult situations that may come during the trekking time in a remote area, a firm decision and action will be taken by the guide. Escorting and protecting the trekker/s from necessary evacuation to sometimes unexpected rubbery incidents, the contribution of the guide becomes numerically higher than what one pays to the guide.
Domestic flights in Nepal limit baggage holding to one customer by 25kgs. On top of these limits, 7kgs is permitted as hand carry; it is, however, chargeable, while the holding of luggage exceeds the limit on a per kg basis.
Trekking means in remote areas where accommodation is in the tea houses. Most tea houses are affluent of locals and the western and other Asian menus. As local food, the Dal Bhat is well known and serves enough energy while walking up and down. Hygienic food, the Dal Bhat, is equally cheaper because its ingredients are produced locally. Trekking routes like in Annapurna and Everest regions, Pizza, pancakes, porridge, cornflakes, dumplings, fried potatoes, pasta, spaghetti, steaks, eggs, and omelettes, and other large numbers menus are commonly served.
In popular trekking areas like Everest and Annapurna region, these have become common, except for some in the off-the-beaten-path and remote locations. Hot showers are available at USD 1 or 2 depending on the value of crowdy and non-crowdy regions. As the trekking goes deep into the mountainous area, the climate becomes colder, and the trekkers prefer to take showers in the gap, while some prefer cleaning their bodies with wet tissue or towels.
For carrying all types of usual items or daily use with some valuables, it would be ideal in a 30L Backpack/Daypack that remains all the way with you. In addition to the above, one duffle bag to carry the trekking special items like sleeping bag, inner, pants, shorts, shirts, fleece, sweater, windproof, waterproof, jackets, down jackets, etc. will be more helpful with the hire of a porter.
If your aim in visiting Nepal is to tour the city’s beauty or urban city, paying through a swipe machine or using an ATM or POS facility is possible. Unlike the town or its periphery, trekking happens only in remote areas where these services are far beyond reach. Cash is ideal, and further carrying Nepali currency would assist you in saving time.
Extending trek by extra days is welcomed only if you have booked a private trek with us. Private trek is highly flexible to extend unlike the group treks, where we cannot customize the itinerary to your preference and requirement.
The distance a person can cover while walking essentially depends on several factors, such as the topography of the area, the length of the trek, and the altitude. For instance, trekkers in high-altitude areas are limited by the atmosphere present there. The higher the altitude, the lower the oxygen rate. This decrease in oxygen rate leads to a reduction of the walker's covering area or speed. For instance, during a 7/8-day Annapurna Base Camp trek, you may cover about 11 to 13 km daily. In most cases or standard routes, assume that, on average, a trekker may need to walk for 5 to 7 hours a day during the trekking.
Upon booking the standard package from the trekking agency, the package mainly covers a porter for two trekkers. The weight limit standards are like others in the world, up to 25 kg. A few kg differences can be considered when looking at the situation, routes of interest, etc.
Trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal is an unforgettable adventure that can test your limits and reward you with breathtaking views. However, you must prepare adequately to conquer this challenge and make it a successful journey. Before going on a Nepal trekking journey, research Nepal and its various trekking regions to choose the one that suits you best, considering your time, budget, and physical fitness level. This will ensure that you have an enjoyable and safe experience. To prepare yourself physically, building your stamina by regularly exercising through activities like running, jogging, swimming, or cycling is crucial. Additionally, avoid unhealthy habits like eating junk food, smoking, and excessive drinking. Instead, consume a healthy diet and take short hikes or treks around nearby hills and mountains to maintain your fitness level. To make your trek more comfortable and enjoyable, contacting a local Nepali travel agency is best. They can provide detailed information on the routes, permits, and guides, making your journey more convenient and hassle-free.
Altitude Sickness, which is also known as Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), is a medical condition that can affect trekkers who venture above 3,000 meters. AMS occurs when the body is unable to adjust to the reduced air pressure and lower oxygen levels at higher altitudes. The symptoms of AMS can range from mild to severe, including headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can significantly impact your trekking experience and even lead to life-threatening conditions like High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High-Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE). Following the itinerary and acclimatizing properly to the altitude is crucial to avoid AMS. Your body needs time to adjust to the altitude, so taking rest days, staying hydrated, and eating a healthy diet is essential. Strolling in higher altitudes can also help prevent AMS. By taking these precautions, you can safely explore the mountains and enjoy the breathtaking views without worrying about the risk of AMS.
Hiring a porter is highly recommended for treks in Nepal. They can navigate the trails, carry your gear, and give insight into local culture. Travel agencies offer inclusive packages, but you can exclude the porter. Independent trekkers can decide whether to hire a porter or not. Hiring a porter is ethical and provides seasonal employment. Avoid trekking during the monsoon season and opt for Trans Himalayan rain shadow areas for a remarkable trekking experience.
In Nepal, most hotels allow trekkers to store extra luggage or belongings they don't need to carry during their trek. However, some hotels don't offer this service due to limited storage space. Additionally, some hotels may hesitate to store luggage containing valuable items such as jewelry, cash, or electronics. Unfortunately, some hotels have had negative experiences with storing luggage and have stopped offering the service altogether. This is due to situations where abandoned luggage was found to contain illegal items.
Essential Tips
- Down jacket
- Thermals for nights and early mornings
- Merino wool T-shirt for sunny days
- Rain jacket for rain and snow
- Gaiters to prevent snow from entering your boots
- Waterproof hiking boots
- Trekking poles for navigating through deep snow
- Rain covers for your backpack
- Sunhat, sunglasses
- Woollen gloves
- Trekking/hiking sticks
- Head torch or headlight
- Lip balm and moisturising cream
- Swimming costume (if the itinerary includes hot spring)
- Water bottles
- Duffle bag
Travelers or visitors must obtain a tourist visa to visit Nepal, which can be acquired before the trip at the Nepalese embassy in your country or on arrival at Kathmandu International Airport. Visas are also available at Nepal’s entry gates for those entering from Tibet or India by land. Visa fees must be paid in cash. Different visa options are available for stays of varying lengths, including up to 150 days. These visa options apply to all types of activities in Nepal, such as trekking, adventuring, climbing, expeditions, home stays, river rafting, and exploring nature.
- 入国ビザ料金と期間ビザ発行箇所と料金
Sr. N | ビザ料金 | 期間 | ネパール空港 | 東京・福岡 | 大阪 |
1 | USD 30や同等の地元料金 | 15日間 | 3000日本円地元金 | 3000日本円か地元金 | 3300日本円か地元金 |
2 | US$50や地元金 | 30日間 | 5000日本円 | 5000日本円 | 5500日本円 |
3 | US$140や地元金 | 90日間 | 12200日本円 | 12200日本円 | 13200日本円 |
4 | 1日3US$地元金 | 100日間以上は | —– | —– | —– |
- ネパール入国ビザ手続き方法について詳しくはネパールビザ申請(ネパールビザ取得)から
Tourism in the Nepal Himalayas has been popular since the 1970s and is now well-known for trekking. There are various routes available with different permissions based on the regulations attached to the characteristics of the route. For instance, the Himalayan trekking course towards Annapurna, the Everest Highway, and Langtang Valley requires a normal trekking permit and animal protection permit. The courses are divided into those that take you to the charm of spectacular views known in remote areas that cannot be entered without a trekking permit. Off-the-beaten routes like Mustang, Upper Dolpo, and Tsum Valley require special permits and procedures. Attached are some specimens of trekking permits and special permits for your review.
Travel insurance is an important safety net in case you face an unexpected illness, accident, or natural disaster while traveling. We take our customers’ travels seriously and want to ensure they are well taken care of. If you plan on trekking through rough roads in Nepal or Tibet, it’s important to be prepared for the adventure and potential risks. If you love exploring nature but are in trouble due to a natural disaster or illness deep in the mountains, there are limited reliable hospitals which are in the main cities of Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Biratnagar will be unexpectedly high to cure in case you are not insured of. Rescuing you from remote parts in urgency will helplessly be the way-chartered helicopter operations.
However, it can be difficult and confusing to arrange for a chartered helicopter without valid travel insurance. Therefore, it is highly recommended to carry a copy of your valid travel insurance card with you for your safety. In the unlikely event of an emergency, entrusting a copy of your travel insurance card with the company can help ensure a safer and smoother rescue process. We appreciate your cooperation in this regard. For more information on how to apply for a visa to enter Nepal, or for general travel and insurance-related queries, please let us know.
Nepal is a country where you can enjoy various exciting nature activities such as trekking, mountain climbing, adventure trekking, high altitude base camp trekking, high pass trekking, and rafting. However, these activities are usually located in remote mountainous regions that may be challenging to access. Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our customers and to take all necessary precautions to prevent any mishaps.
In case of any medical emergencies, we rely on helicopter rescue operations, which can be complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, we kindly request our customers to inform us in advance if they have any pre-existing medical conditions such as a long-term illness, dangerous illness, heart condition, etc. This information will be useful for us to provide customized on-site support and advice during the trekking or sightseeing trip, and our English/Japanese guides respective to the group type will be there to assist you in any way possible.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter, and we want to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience during your visit to Nepal.
Please note that the trekking itinerary mentioned above is just an example, and the prices are based on the sample itinerary. However, we can customize the itinerary according to your preferences. If you have any queries or wish to make any changes to the itinerary, please feel free to contact us. We will respond to your inquiries and make the necessary changes to the itinerary based on your convenience.
We also offer handmade plans by mountain-trekking-tour-professionals, and we will provide you with a free estimate plan based on your requirements. We provide various trekking options, including trekking with porters, trekking with guides, trekking tours with different guides and porters, and all-in-one trekking tour packages. So, please let us know your preferences, and we will quote you the best possible prices.
We also provide domestic flight tickets, bus tickets from Pokhara to other destinations, rafting plans, mountain flights, Chitwan National Park package plans, sightseeing tours in Lumbini, Pokhara, and Kathmandu, Japanese and English guides, private car rental services, and other services. We aim to provide services that cater to your convenience and preferences. We offer customized services and decide according to your requests. Please contact us for availability and to book your services.
To reserve your tour or trekking package, transfer a 30% deposit to our company bank account. We recommend internet banking but can provide other payment options. For other services, full payment is required. Please transfer the cost through internet banking or let us know your preferred payment option.
If you are looking to plan rafting trips, Chitwan National Park tours, Lumbini or Pokhara sightseeing, or Kathmandu world heritage sightseeing with an English or Japanese guide, our team is ready to help you with all your requirements. To book any of our services, we request you to transfer the cost of the trip through Internet banking. However, we are open to other payment options as well. Please let us know which one suits you better.
We also offer private car rental services to take you to your destination.
We cater to customers who wish to travel to Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and India but are either first-time travelers or not well-versed with prices and tour destinations. Our services are also helpful for those who don’t have the time to plan their trip or want a professional estimate. We provide our customers with free itineraries and estimates. Our handcrafted plans and estimates are customized to cater to the needs of our customers, from beginners to advanced users. We also offer free estimates for trekking tours. Please feel free to utilize our services.
Up to 4 children on tour are free.
To reach Annapurna for trekking, you have three options- bus, private car, or flight from Kathmandu, depending on your preference. If you choose to travel by bus, be prepared for a longer journey of about two to three days. In contrast, traveling by private car offers a chance to immerse yourself in nature, culture, and the daily life of locals. You could enjoy the scenic greenery on either side of the Nepal National Highway that follows the Trisuli River, stop wherever you like to sip tea, and make the most of your journey to Pokhara.
If you plan to go on the Tibet Simikot or Kanchenjunga trek, you can take a flight from Kathmandu and then continue on foot. For the Langtang trek, you can either take a bus, a private vehicle, or a chartered helicopter. It is also possible to do all the trekking or tours by chartered helicopter. We will guide you on all means of transportation through mail and other means of communication, let us know your requirement.
Are there any hospitals or clinics on the trekking route, especially in the remote areas of the Solu-Khumbu region, such as the Everest Trekking Region?
Yes, there are hospitals and clinics located in Jiri, Lukla, Kunde, and Pheriche, which are popular spots along the Everest Highway trekking route. These facilities have been set up to reach assistance to the travellers in this area including altitude sickness. Altitude sickness is a unique condition that can be dangerous if left untreated.
For those visiting the Jomsom/Manang region in Annapurna, trekkers will have set up of hospital at Jomsom and Manang. This is to ensure that you can enjoy the stunning natural beauty of the area with a healthy body and mind. However, if you feel unwell or experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, or diarrhea, which you suspect are not related to altitude sickness, please discuss your situation with your guide immediately and seek medical attention. We encourage you to prioritize your health and well-being by visiting hospitals and taking care of your health. It’s important to take care of your health while trekking. Some trekkers have experienced increased energy levels after trekking, while others have died from illnesses such as diarrhea, normal fever, and shortness of breath due to ignoring the warnings of altitude sickness.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to visit these established clinics and hospitals to ensure your well-being while trekking.
In the popular trekking routes, there are various health facilities like hospitals and clinics except for the remote areas. Even in remote areas, there are some healthcare facilities available, but for critical cases all these small hospital booth refers patients to the main cities for better care.
Altitude sickness is a condition that affects individuals differently. Even experienced mountain climbers or high-altitude trekkers may experience altitude sickness, while beginners may not be affected even when they exceed the normal altitude. Altitude sickness usually occurs when the altitude exceeds 3000m.
The best way to prevent altitude sickness is to climb slowly. If you feel any discomfort, it’s important to consult your guide and descend the mountain. You can avoid altitude sickness by choosing a reasonable route and gradually increasing the altitude. If you’re planning to trek in Nepal, it’s important to learn more about altitude sickness beforehand. We have over a decade of experience as mountain experts, so we can assist with altitude sickness or other illnesses that may arise during trekking.
When planning a trekking trip in Nepal, it’s important to prioritize your physical and mental health. Choose clothing that is comfortable, flexible, and can adapt to changing weather conditions. Trekking often involves spending nights in lowlands and highlands, so it’s important to prepare for significant temperature changes between day and night. In the Everest region, mornings and evenings are cold while afternoons can be sunny, so pack accordingly. Here are some essential items to bring on your trek: appropriate clothing and equipment, a healthy mindset, and a fit body.
The ideal trekking season in Nepal is from March to May, and from September to November or mid-December. Although it often rains from June to August, it is still considered a comfortable season for trekking in the Mustang and Dolpo area, which is the far northern remote part of Nepal. In autumn, from September to December, the skies are clear, and the Himalayas are beautiful. From December to February, the weather is bitterly cold, and snow falls at altitudes above 3,000 meters. However, if you are well-prepared, you can fully enjoy your trip. Spring fog begins in March, and the outlook becomes more difficult than we hoped for. Even if it is sunny after May, it is not suitable for trekking due to the rainy season.
Private rooms are available for sightseeing in Kathmandu, Pokhara, and other towns. However, for short treks and high-altitude Himalayan base camp treks, you will need to stay in a lodge. You’ll be served Nepalese dishes including dal bhat, fried noodles, chowmein, and thukpa (noodles with vegetables), as well as Western foods like French toast, toast, stir-fried vegetables, garlic soup, vegetable soup, omelets, dumplings, pizza, pancakes, and porridge. Additionally, you can also enjoy Tibetan dishes and boiled rice. The availability of menu items like potatoes, French fries, fried dumplings, squirt bread, steak, and more will depend on the price plan.
When trekking, you will usually be staying in rooms for two people instead of individual ones. During the busy seasons, you may have to sleep in a dormitory. If you are trekking to Everest or Annapurna between September and December, which is a popular route with fewer people in the group, you may even end up using a sleeping bag and sleeping in an empty dormitory.
The bed will come with a comforter and pillow, but if you tend to feel cold, it’s best to bring your sleeping bag. Make sure to check if you need a thicker sleeping bag depending on the trekking season. In some cases, the toilets may be located outside the lodge, so it’s a good idea to bring a raincoat and a flashlight. Remember to carry a flashlight with you, as the roads can be unfamiliar and dangerous.
In addition to Nepalese dal and bhat, there are a variety of dishes available such as porridge, papad, omelets, fried and boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, udon-style (mixed veg with noodle) soup with side dishes, stir-fried vegetables, tarkari (curry) fried noodles-style chowmein (fry noodle), pancakes, French toast, toast, sandwiches, boiled dumplings, meat and vegetable soup, fried rice, sweets, candy, bread, biscuits, snacks, and potato chips.
Recommended portable Japanese flavors for Japanese:
If you have a fondness for Japanese flavors, you can relish the nostalgic tastes of your hometown by carrying portable essentials such as miso soup, furikake, nori, cocoa, soy sauce, and cup ramen. These are highly recommended portable Japanese flavors that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.
Recommended drinks:
Black Coffee, Hot Coffee, Milk Coffee, Milk tea, Hot Lemon, Hot Water, Mineral Water, Hot Chocolate, Garlic Soup, Corn Soup, Canned Bill, Cola, Hard Drink Garlic Soup, Hot Lemon, Hot Water, Milk Tea, hot chocolate, etc.
We offer experienced trekking guides who can speak either Japanese or English for each route. The prices of the guides vary depending on the route. Our trekking guides are knowledgeable about the roads and geography of the trekking routes, so you do not have to worry about any complaints during your trek. In case of any unforeseen events, we promise to take full responsibility for porter and guide services.
To become a guide, we entrust those who have worked as assistant guides for about two years and have had three years of experience after being qualified by the government-enrolled license. We carefully select our guides and porters who respect their profession and have been satisfied to work in the field. We prioritize safety and comfort for our customers, and our guides provide lively, worry-free sightseeing travel services with smiles and reassuring faces. We hope to satisfy our customers, and we believe that reliable service is expected when engaged in managing travel-trekking trips in Nepal Himalayan.
Government Authorized Agent and Documents of the Relevant
Our location is near the popular tourist destination of Thamel, providing you with a peaceful environment to enjoy a cup of tea and engage in a conversation. You won’t be disturbed by beggars or other annoying people, and you can freely express your thoughts about your upcoming trip and your expectations from us. We are located just 10 minutes away from central Thamel, intentionally avoiding the crowds. However, if you wish to explore Thamel town, we can also arrange a pick up and dropping care for you.
Our company leader has a great passion for visitors from around the world. His 10 years of experience in Japan, his punctuality, and our company’s transparent pricing have impressed every visitor to date. Our leader’s kind nature has made him a legend in the field, and both staff and frequent visitors to Nepal have faith in him and our agent. Our team’s goal is to provide services that meet the expectations of our customers. As a company, we are committed to helping visitors achieving their long held reaching himalaya dream. We believe that our staff are not just guides, porters, or administrative runners, but also caregivers, guardians, nurses, assistants, secretaries, and advisors. We always request visitors to respect each staff member who serves as their caretaker, helper, assistant, advisor, or well-wisher.
Nepal is a popular destination for mountaineering, trekking, and peak climbing enthusiasts. The country boasts of untouched natural beauty, but in recent years, due to increasing development plans and population, deforestation and environmental pollution have become serious issues. Nepal is now experiencing the effects of global warming. As Nepal is a challenging site for trekkers, climbers, and tourists from various countries, it is important to avoid any acts that may cause pollution and harm to the environment.
Our company is committed to preserving the natural beauty of Nepal and avoiding pollution caused by tourists. We request our customers to dispose of all the garbage they generate during their trekking tours responsibly. Our company employs highly knowledgeable human resources (guides) for nature conservation and urges all customers to be mindful of preserving nature and contributing to the next generation. We request our customers to use the garbage bins set up by SPCC, ACAP, MCAP, etc. to avoid littering or to take their garbage home with them.
It would be beneficial to use this website to appeal to all agents and bookers worldwide, to ensure that they are not charged for causing pollution or littering the environment. This action should be taken with mutual understanding so that all of us involved agree with the measures taken to prevent pollution and littering.
We have created a frequently asked questions section based on the opinions, experiences, and advice of our past customers. This section is designed to answer any questions you may have, so please check it out before contacting us. If you do need to reach out to us, we are available at any time.
The Thamel district, a popular tourist area, has seen an increase in the number of children and adults begging on the streets. However, giving them money may not be the best way to help them, as it could hinder their development and perpetuate the idea that society bears the burden. Instead, it’s important to avoid such behavior and if you feel compelled to help, offer them food that is ready to eat, like pieces of bread or biscuits. This would prevent them from selling it for money. It’s also a good idea to educate these children about their social responsibilities.