


Quick Look

7泊・8日 days
Group Size
Trip Difficulty
Best Time
Mar - May & Sept - Dec

Trip Overview

7泊8日 カトマンズ、ナガルコット、ポカラ、チトワン国立公園ツアー

ネパールの主な都市と主な観光スポット含むこのツアーパッケージは、観光者に大きく評価されてる個所のみまとめられてるパッケージです。 カトマンズはユネスコの遺産が豊富な都市で、それを基にカトマンズ市内ツアーを反映されてる。 ナガルコットは、ヒマラヤ東部の日の出と日没の息を呑むような景色を眺められるスポット。 ポカラは、洞窟の中に隠された見事な滝、街中にある美しい湖、絵のように美しい渓谷など、自然の驚異を誇っています。 サランコットの丘や平和塔からも、ポカラ市の活気にあふれる美しさ観察されます。 ポカラの美しさは言葉では言い表せないものにたとえられてるほどです。
チトワン国立公園は、旅行者はサイ、シカ、ベンガルトラ、カワイルカ、ワニなどのさまざまな動物の生息地を探索できる個所で、 この公園には数千種の鳥類が生息し、亜熱帯の雰囲気の中で多様な動植物が生息しています。 公園を探索する人気の方法の 1 つは、象に乗るジャングルサファリそうすることで安全なツアーを楽しめます。


  • カトマンズはすべてのユネスコ遺産を紹介する。
  • ダウラギリ、アンナプルナ山脈、マナスルなどの息をのむような素晴らしい景観と、その麓に大きな湖がある美しい緑の丘がポカラの特徴です。
  • 緑豊かな渓谷の真ん中で、エベレストを含むヒマラヤ山脈東部を染める最初で最後の光線がナガルコットを喜ばせます。
  • 地元住民による象乗りと文化ダンスでチトワンの野生動物体験を楽しむジャングルサファリ
  • ナガルコット丘駅から見たネパール東部の日の出とヒマラヤ山脈。
  • 経験豊富なドライバー 1 名と、必要に応じてプロのツアー ガイドが同行する専用の専用車両。


Day 01 : カトマンズ着ととも空港出迎え専用代表者とホテルへ移動

カトマンズに到着し、ホテルのチェックイン手続きが完了するまで、Aaozora Travel and Tour India の専門家のサポートを受けながらホテルに移動します。

Day 02: カトマンズ~パタ市内観光を終えてナガルコットへ移動

訪問 2 日目は、朝食後からカトマンズでの 1 日の楽しい観光プログラムが行われます。 さらに、スウォヤンブナート仏塔、パシュパティナート寺院、カトマンズのダルバール広場、パタンのダルバール広場(美術で有名な都市)を含むユネスコ世界遺産が、このパッケージに組み込まれる厳選された場所になります。

夕方の一行の旅は、東部のヒマラヤ山脈が夕焼けと日の出の最後に染まり、初日の出が観察できるナガルコット丘陵駅へ向かいます。 それはきっと一生の思い出として残るであろう壮大な景色をもたらします。

Day 03: ナガルコットからバクタプル市内入り観光を得てマナカマナ丘経由でバンディプールへへ

早朝、地平線上の美しい雪を頂いた山の頂上から、息を呑むような日の出が見えます。 太陽の光が山の最高点に当たり、旅行者はその高さの順序を知ることができます。 これはネパール旅行中に観察できる忘れられない瞬間です。 短い期間のうちに山はさまざまな素晴らしい色に覆われます。 ナガルコットから見ることができる素晴らしい山の景色には、ミスター・エベレスト、ランタン山脈、ガネーシュ ヒマール山脈、ロルワリン山脈、その他ネパールのヒマラヤ東部の数多くの山脈が含まれます。

ナガルコットのホテルで朝食をとった後、旅はバクタプルのダルバール広場へ続きます。 有名な 55 窓の宮殿は、ニャトポルの他の寺院と同様に特別な特徴となり、孔雀の彫刻が施された木造建築がインスピレーションを与える場所になります。


Day 04: Bandipur



Day 05: Pokhara



Day 06: サランコットの日の出が始まり、日中のポカラ観光が始まります。

今日は朝早く起きて、ネパール旅行の訪問者を待望の目的地へ連れて行きます。そこでは、白い山の頂上に昇る信じられないほど魅力的な日の出の眺めが、自然とのロマンスをもたらします。 また、天上の美しさと称される地平線の彼方まで続く景色は、ネパールを訪れる価値を発見する機会となるでしょう。 この地域を支配する巨大なヒマラヤ ダウラギリ山脈とアンナプルナ山脈をはじめ、もう 1 つの美しい山、フィッシュテール、マナスルを間近に見ることができます。

サランコットからは、ホテルのルートであるビンダバシニ寺院に戻り、朝食後、デイビス フォール、グプテシュウォル マハデブ洞窟 (地下滝) へと進みます。 このツアーでは、街の真ん中を流れるセティ川を見るのが興味深いです。


Day 07: ポカラからチトワンへドライブ – チトワンのロッジ/ホテルで一泊

朝食後、午前 8 時にエキサイティングなジャングル サファリをチトワンまで 5 時間ドライブします。 訪問者には昼食の時間にジャングルツアーの概要説明が与えられ、グループがジャングル探検に行く間に注意事項が講じられます。

  •  昼食後:村ツアーとタル博物館訪問
  • 紅茶またはコーヒーの後: ラプティ リバー ビーチからのサンセット ツアーがあります。
  •  夕食後:ロッジ/ホテル/リゾートでのリラックスした時間(パッケージの性質による)
    経験豊富なツアーガイドと 3 食すべて (朝食、昼食、夕食) が含まれます。
Day 08: 終日ジャングル サファリ アクティビティとチトワンでの宿泊

朝食後、象の背中に乗ってチトワン国立公園のジャングルに向かうサファリに行き、さまざまな種類の動物が生息するこの動物園で、サイ、ヒョウ、ベンガルトラ、その他の鳥、鹿、猪などの美しい動物を探索します。 この犬歯は恥ずかしがり屋で、お腹が空いているとき以外は隠れることが多いため、このベンガルトラに会える旅行者は幸運になると言われています。

この水生生物の本拠地であるチトワン国立公園では、カヌーに乗ることもスリルのひとつです。マーシュ マッガーやガビアルの素晴らしい姿とともに、さまざまな水生動物や種の眺めが楽しめます。 また、ツアーではカワイルカの群れが泳いでいる様子を見学できる場合もあります。
紅茶またはコーヒーの後; タル文化ダンス。


備考:このチトワン国立ジャングル サファリ ツアーでは、朝食、昼食、夕食の 3 食すべてが含まれています。

Day 09: チトワン国立公園からカトマンズへバック

午前9時の朝食後、カトマンズに戻り、カトマンズのホテルに宿泊します。 夕方は自由時間なので、ゆっくりお土産を買うことができます。

Day 10: ツアー解散、帰国へ

朝食と無料。 ホテルのチェックアウト時間はホテルのポリシーに準じますので、お客様のチェックアウト時間までは無料となります。 ただし、Aaozora Travel and Tour India のプロフェッショナルは、旅行者が出発時刻の 3 時間前に国際線の空港に到着できるよう確実にお手伝いします。

Cost Include

  • 空港への送迎
  • 朝食付きホテルでの宿泊(ツインシャア)
  • カトマンズのユネスコ世界遺産ツアーとそのチケット
  • バクタプルのユネスコ世界遺産ツアー
  • チトワン国立公園でのジープサファリ
  • ポカラとチトワンのツアー
  • ポカラのサランコットで日の出を撮影
  • ラプティ川でのカヌー
  • すべての地上移動
  • ポカラへのフライト
  • 救急キット

Cost Exclude

  • 写真撮影用具および機材(ツアーには、カメラのほか、レンズ、三脚、メモリカード、バッテリー、充電器、スピードライト(オプション)などの機材をご持参ください)
  • ビザフィー
  • 旅行保険
  • 個人用リフレッシュメント
  • 個人用ユーティリティーアイテム
  • このパッケージに記載されている以外のその他の観光アクティビティ
  • ビザ手配
  • チップ


How to book my trip?

Booking the trip/trek is quite easy and not a hectic process

Step 1: Choose the destination you prefer to visit and check out package of your preferences.

Step 2: Check out the itinerary on our website. We also offer customization of the itinerary to suit your preference if you wish to add or remove anything.

Step 3: If the itinerary suits your preference, please feel free to drop a message to us regarding the availability, cost, or other details. [For treks, you can check the departure date in departure section and contact us accordingly.]

Step 4: Once you have given us a decision for the package, we will require 20% of the total cost, along with a photocopy of your passport to confirm the booking. You can pay rest of the amount after your arrival in Kathmandu by card or online transaction.

Note: If you face confusion in any steps do contact us. We are here to help you solve your doubts.

What is the tipping policy for guides and what is the appropriate amount?

Tipping is customary in tourism industry of Nepal, especially for guides, porters and drivers who provide their services during the trek. It is a way of showing gratitude for their hard work and services. At the end of your tour/trek you can offer a tip of your choice based on your satisfaction and budget. Any amount you tip is accepted; you can tip in USD or Rupees.

Can I leave my luggage in Kathmandu when I am on the tour?

If your tour involves visiting Jomsom, Muktinath or any uphill areas, please leave some of the belonging or luggage in Kathmandu or Pokhara hotel. Carrying all those luggage will be a hassle for you and a burden your trip.

Therefore, you can leave your luggage at the hotel in Kathmandu, where the staffs will store all your belongings safely and return it upon your arrival at the end of your journey. It is a free service and easy solution

Which hotel will I say in Kathmandu?

We will arrange a comfortable hotel for the guest to stay in. The hotel will range from 2–3-star hotel. Located on the outskirts of Thamel, yet nearby, we usually use Kathmandu hotel suite or similar so visitors can have access to the local market and restaurants.

However, if you have any hotel in mind, do let us know and we will do our best to meet those needs.

Can I withdraw money from ATMs in Nepal?

Yes, cities in Nepal facilitates the convenience of using cards. Using card is practical and secure and means carrying less cash.

How much cash can you carry when travelling to Nepal?

Travelers visiting Nepal are subject to restriction on the amount of cash they can carry, set of 300 USD/ 25,000 INR.

Note to Indian visitors, currency notes with denomination exceeding INR 100 are not allowed to be brought in the country to prevent counterfeit circulation of currency. Carrying INR 500 and 1000 is illegal and not acceptable.

Essential Tips

Essential hiking gear includes
  • Down jacket
  • Thermals for nights and early mornings
  • Merino wool T-shirt for sunny days
  • Rain jacket for rain and snow
  • Gaiters to prevent snow from entering your boots
  • Waterproof hiking boots
  • Trekking poles for navigating through deep snow
  • Rain covers for your backpack
  • Sunhat, sunglasses
  • Woollen gloves
  • Trekking/hiking sticks
  • Head torch or headlight
  • Lip balm and moisturising cream
  • Swimming costume (if the itinerary includes hot spring)
  • Water bottles
  • Duffle bag
Considerable Tips for Your Visit to Nepal

Travelers or visitors must obtain a tourist visa to visit Nepal, which can be acquired before the trip at the Nepalese embassy in your country or on arrival at Kathmandu International Airport. Visas are also available at Nepal’s entry gates for those entering from Tibet or India by land. Visa fees must be paid in cash. Different visa options are available for stays of varying lengths, including up to 150 days. These visa options apply to all types of activities in Nepal, such as trekking, adventuring, climbing, expeditions, home stays, river rafting, and exploring nature.


  • 入国ビザ料金と期間ビザ発行箇所と料金
Sr. N ビザ料金 期間 ネパール空港 東京・福岡 大阪
1 USD 30や同等の地元料金 15日間 3000日本円地元金 3000日本円か地元金 3300日本円か地元金
2 US$50や地元金 30日間 5000日本円 5000日本円 5500日本円
3 US$140や地元金 90日間 12200日本円 12200日本円 13200日本円
4 1日3US$地元金 100日間以上は —– —– —–


  • ネパール入国ビザ手続き方法について詳しくはネパールビザ申請(ネパールビザ取得)から

Tourism in the Nepal Himalayas has been popular since the 1970s and is now well-known for trekking. There are various routes available with different permissions based on the regulations attached to the characteristics of the route. For instance, the Himalayan trekking course towards Annapurna, the Everest Highway, and Langtang Valley requires a normal trekking permit and animal protection permit. The courses are divided into those that take you to the charm of spectacular views known in remote areas that cannot be entered without a trekking permit. Off-the-beaten routes like Mustang, Upper Dolpo, and Tsum Valley require special permits and procedures. Attached are some specimens of trekking permits and special permits for your review.



About travel and travel insurance

Travel insurance is an important safety net in case you face an unexpected illness, accident, or natural disaster while traveling. We take our customers’ travels seriously and want to ensure they are well taken care of. If you plan on trekking through rough roads in Nepal or Tibet, it’s important to be prepared for the adventure and potential risks. If you love exploring nature but are in trouble due to a natural disaster or illness deep in the mountains, there are limited reliable hospitals which are in the main cities of Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Biratnagar will be unexpectedly high to cure in case you are not insured of. Rescuing you from remote parts in urgency will helplessly be the way-chartered helicopter operations.

However, it can be difficult and confusing to arrange for a chartered helicopter without valid travel insurance. Therefore, it is highly recommended to carry a copy of your valid travel insurance card with you for your safety. In the unlikely event of an emergency, entrusting a copy of your travel insurance card with the company can help ensure a safer and smoother rescue process. We appreciate your cooperation in this regard. For more information on how to apply for a visa to enter Nepal, or for general travel and insurance-related queries, please let us know.

Important news from our company

Nepal is a country where you can enjoy various exciting nature activities such as trekking, mountain climbing, adventure trekking, high altitude base camp trekking, high pass trekking, and rafting. However, these activities are usually located in remote mountainous regions that may be challenging to access. Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our customers and to take all necessary precautions to prevent any mishaps.

In case of any medical emergencies, we rely on helicopter rescue operations, which can be complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, we kindly request our customers to inform us in advance if they have any pre-existing medical conditions such as a long-term illness, dangerous illness, heart condition, etc. This information will be useful for us to provide customized on-site support and advice during the trekking or sightseeing trip, and our English/Japanese guides respective to the group type will be there to assist you in any way possible.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter, and we want to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience during your visit to Nepal.

Book at your convenience

Please note that the trekking itinerary mentioned above is just an example, and the prices are based on the sample itinerary. However, we can customize the itinerary according to your preferences. If you have any queries or wish to make any changes to the itinerary, please feel free to contact us. We will respond to your inquiries and make the necessary changes to the itinerary based on your convenience.

We also offer handmade plans by mountain-trekking-tour-professionals, and we will provide you with a free estimate plan based on your requirements. We provide various trekking options, including trekking with porters, trekking with guides, trekking tours with different guides and porters, and all-in-one trekking tour packages. So, please let us know your preferences, and we will quote you the best possible prices.

We also provide domestic flight tickets, bus tickets from Pokhara to other destinations, rafting plans, mountain flights, Chitwan National Park package plans, sightseeing tours in Lumbini, Pokhara, and Kathmandu, Japanese and English guides, private car rental services, and other services. We aim to provide services that cater to your convenience and preferences. We offer customized services and decide according to your requests. Please contact us for availability and to book your services.

About payment methods

To reserve your tour or trekking package, transfer a 30% deposit to our company bank account. We recommend internet banking but can provide other payment options. For other services, full payment is required. Please transfer the cost through internet banking or let us know your preferred payment option.

If you are looking to plan rafting trips, Chitwan National Park tours, Lumbini or Pokhara sightseeing, or Kathmandu world heritage sightseeing with an English or Japanese guide, our team is ready to help you with all your requirements.  To book any of our services, we request you to transfer the cost of the trip through Internet banking. However, we are open to other payment options as well. Please let us know which one suits you better.

We also offer private car rental services to take you to your destination.

Basic of Quotation for Trekking Tour Program and other activities

We cater to customers who wish to travel to Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and India but are either first-time travelers or not well-versed with prices and tour destinations. Our services are also helpful for those who don’t have the time to plan their trip or want a professional estimate. We provide our customers with free itineraries and estimates. Our handcrafted plans and estimates are customized to cater to the needs of our customers, from beginners to advanced users. We also offer free estimates for trekking tours. Please feel free to utilize our services.

Up to 4 children on tour are free.

Means of Transportation or Transportation facilities

To reach Annapurna for trekking, you have three options- bus, private car, or flight from Kathmandu, depending on your preference. If you choose to travel by bus, be prepared for a longer journey of about two to three days. In contrast, traveling by private car offers a chance to immerse yourself in nature, culture, and the daily life of locals. You could enjoy the scenic greenery on either side of the Nepal National Highway that follows the Trisuli River, stop wherever you like to sip tea, and make the most of your journey to Pokhara.

If you plan to go on the Tibet Simikot or Kanchenjunga trek, you can take a flight from Kathmandu and then continue on foot. For the Langtang trek, you can either take a bus, a private vehicle, or a chartered helicopter. It is also possible to do all the trekking or tours by chartered helicopter. We will guide you on all means of transportation through mail and other means of communication, let us know your requirement.

Are there any hospitals or health care centers in case they are needed?

Are there any hospitals or clinics on the trekking route, especially in the remote areas of the Solu-Khumbu region, such as the Everest Trekking Region?

Yes, there are hospitals and clinics located in Jiri, Lukla, Kunde, and Pheriche, which are popular spots along the Everest Highway trekking route. These facilities have been set up to reach assistance to the travellers in this area including altitude sickness. Altitude sickness is a unique condition that can be dangerous if left untreated.

For those visiting the Jomsom/Manang region in Annapurna, trekkers will have set up of hospital at Jomsom and Manang. This is to ensure that you can enjoy the stunning natural beauty of the area with a healthy body and mind. However, if you feel unwell or experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, or diarrhea, which you suspect are not related to altitude sickness, please discuss your situation with your guide immediately and seek medical attention. We encourage you to prioritize your health and well-being by visiting hospitals and taking care of your health. It’s important to take care of your health while trekking. Some trekkers have experienced increased energy levels after trekking, while others have died from illnesses such as diarrhea, normal fever, and shortness of breath due to ignoring the warnings of altitude sickness.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to visit these established clinics and hospitals to ensure your well-being while trekking.

In the popular trekking routes, there are various health facilities like hospitals and clinics except for the remote areas. Even in remote areas, there are some healthcare facilities available, but for critical cases all these small hospital booth refers patients to the main cities for better care.

Altitude sickness, countermeasures against traffic sickness, characteristics of altitude sickness, etc.

Altitude sickness is a condition that affects individuals differently. Even experienced mountain climbers or high-altitude trekkers may experience altitude sickness, while beginners may not be affected even when they exceed the normal altitude. Altitude sickness usually occurs when the altitude exceeds 3000m.

The best way to prevent altitude sickness is to climb slowly. If you feel any discomfort, it’s important to consult your guide and descend the mountain. You can avoid altitude sickness by choosing a reasonable route and gradually increasing the altitude. If you’re planning to trek in Nepal, it’s important to learn more about altitude sickness beforehand. We have over a decade of experience as mountain experts, so we can assist with altitude sickness or other illnesses that may arise during trekking.

Clothing and equipment:

When planning a trekking trip in Nepal, it’s important to prioritize your physical and mental health. Choose clothing that is comfortable, flexible, and can adapt to changing weather conditions. Trekking often involves spending nights in lowlands and highlands, so it’s important to prepare for significant temperature changes between day and night. In the Everest region, mornings and evenings are cold while afternoons can be sunny, so pack accordingly. Here are some essential items to bring on your trek: appropriate clothing and equipment, a healthy mindset, and a fit body.

Trekking season

The ideal trekking season in Nepal is from March to May, and from September to November or mid-December. Although it often rains from June to August, it is still considered a comfortable season for trekking in the Mustang and Dolpo area, which is the far northern remote part of Nepal. In autumn, from September to December, the skies are clear, and the Himalayas are beautiful. From December to February, the weather is bitterly cold, and snow falls at altitudes above 3,000 meters. However, if you are well-prepared, you can fully enjoy your trip. Spring fog begins in March, and the outlook becomes more difficult than we hoped for. Even if it is sunny after May, it is not suitable for trekking due to the rainy season.

Lodging and meals:

Private rooms are available for sightseeing in Kathmandu, Pokhara, and other towns. However, for short treks and high-altitude Himalayan base camp treks, you will need to stay in a lodge. You’ll be served Nepalese dishes including dal bhat, fried noodles, chowmein, and thukpa (noodles with vegetables), as well as Western foods like French toast, toast, stir-fried vegetables, garlic soup, vegetable soup, omelets, dumplings, pizza, pancakes, and porridge. Additionally, you can also enjoy Tibetan dishes and boiled rice. The availability of menu items like potatoes, French fries, fried dumplings, squirt bread, steak, and more will depend on the price plan.


When trekking, you will usually be staying in rooms for two people instead of individual ones. During the busy seasons, you may have to sleep in a dormitory. If you are trekking to Everest or Annapurna between September and December, which is a popular route with fewer people in the group, you may even end up using a sleeping bag and sleeping in an empty dormitory.

The bed will come with a comforter and pillow, but if you tend to feel cold, it’s best to bring your sleeping bag. Make sure to check if you need a thicker sleeping bag depending on the trekking season. In some cases, the toilets may be located outside the lodge, so it’s a good idea to bring a raincoat and a flashlight. Remember to carry a flashlight with you, as the roads can be unfamiliar and dangerous.



In addition to Nepalese dal and bhat, there are a variety of dishes available such as porridge, papad, omelets, fried and boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, udon-style (mixed veg with noodle) soup with side dishes, stir-fried vegetables, tarkari (curry) fried noodles-style chowmein (fry noodle), pancakes, French toast, toast, sandwiches, boiled dumplings, meat and vegetable soup, fried rice, sweets, candy, bread, biscuits, snacks, and potato chips.

Recommended portable Japanese flavors for Japanese:

If you have a fondness for Japanese flavors, you can relish the nostalgic tastes of your hometown by carrying portable essentials such as miso soup, furikake, nori, cocoa, soy sauce, and cup ramen. These are highly recommended portable Japanese flavors that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

Recommended drinks:

Black Coffee, Hot Coffee, Milk Coffee, Milk tea, Hot Lemon, Hot Water, Mineral Water, Hot Chocolate, Garlic Soup, Corn Soup, Canned Bill, Cola, Hard Drink Garlic Soup, Hot Lemon, Hot Water, Milk Tea, hot chocolate, etc.

Porter and guide

We offer experienced trekking guides who can speak either Japanese or English for each route. The prices of the guides vary depending on the route. Our trekking guides are knowledgeable about the roads and geography of the trekking routes, so you do not have to worry about any complaints during your trek. In case of any unforeseen events, we promise to take full responsibility for porter and guide services.

To become a guide, we entrust those who have worked as assistant guides for about two years and have had three years of experience after being qualified by the government-enrolled license. We carefully select our guides and porters who respect their profession and have been satisfied to work in the field. We prioritize safety and comfort for our customers, and our guides provide lively, worry-free sightseeing travel services with smiles and reassuring faces. We hope to satisfy our customers, and we believe that reliable service is expected when engaged in managing travel-trekking trips in Nepal Himalayan.

Our company

Government Authorized Agent and Documents of the Relevant
Our location is near the popular tourist destination of Thamel, providing you with a peaceful environment to enjoy a cup of tea and engage in a conversation. You won’t be disturbed by beggars or other annoying people, and you can freely express your thoughts about your upcoming trip and your expectations from us. We are located just 10 minutes away from central Thamel, intentionally avoiding the crowds. However, if you wish to explore Thamel town, we can also arrange a pick up and dropping care for you.

Our company leader has a great passion for visitors from around the world. His 10 years of experience in Japan, his punctuality, and our company’s transparent pricing have impressed every visitor to date. Our leader’s kind nature has made him a legend in the field, and both staff and frequent visitors to Nepal have faith in him and our agent. Our team’s goal is to provide services that meet the expectations of our customers. As a company, we are committed to helping visitors achieving their long held reaching himalaya dream. We believe that our staff are not just guides, porters, or administrative runners, but also caregivers, guardians, nurses, assistants, secretaries, and advisors. We always request visitors to respect each staff member who serves as their caretaker, helper, assistant, advisor, or well-wisher.

Eco program

Nepal is a popular destination for mountaineering, trekking, and peak climbing enthusiasts. The country boasts of untouched natural beauty, but in recent years, due to increasing development plans and population, deforestation and environmental pollution have become serious issues. Nepal is now experiencing the effects of global warming. As Nepal is a challenging site for trekkers, climbers, and tourists from various countries, it is important to avoid any acts that may cause pollution and harm to the environment.

Our company is committed to preserving the natural beauty of Nepal and avoiding pollution caused by tourists. We request our customers to dispose of all the garbage they generate during their trekking tours responsibly. Our company employs highly knowledgeable human resources (guides) for nature conservation and urges all customers to be mindful of preserving nature and contributing to the next generation. We request our customers to use the garbage bins set up by SPCC, ACAP, MCAP, etc. to avoid littering or to take their garbage home with them.

It would be beneficial to use this website to appeal to all agents and bookers worldwide, to ensure that they are not charged for causing pollution or littering the environment. This action should be taken with mutual understanding so that all of us involved agree with the measures taken to prevent pollution and littering.

Frequently asked questions:

We have created a frequently asked questions section based on the opinions, experiences, and advice of our past customers. This section is designed to answer any questions you may have, so please check it out before contacting us. If you do need to reach out to us, we are available at any time.


The Thamel district, a popular tourist area, has seen an increase in the number of children and adults begging on the streets. However, giving them money may not be the best way to help them, as it could hinder their development and perpetuate the idea that society bears the burden. Instead, it’s important to avoid such behavior and if you feel compelled to help, offer them food that is ready to eat, like pieces of bread or biscuits. This would prevent them from selling it for money. It’s also a good idea to educate these children about their social responsibilities.

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